Wednesday, July 12, 2006

On hiatus...

I have not deserted my blog- I'm just away for a few days eating my way round a delightful European city. See if you can guess where I am from the picture above. First person to guess correctly gets a high five.

I'll be back soon with tales of my good eats.



Anonymous said...

that curious language on the board looks like catalan to me... but i'm not giving the city away, given that i knew where you were going. Hoping you are enjoying it every bit of the way, i think it's one of the greatest cities in Europe, especially for foodies! (johanna aka thepassionatecook)

Amy Sherman said...

I know already. Just started posting about that place too...! Have a great trip.

Jeanne said...

Might there be an unfinished catherdral where you're going?!? Have a ball!

Xochitl said...

Hello ladies,

You are all absolutely right!
